This letter was supposed to be a poem in which I wanted to explain what poetry means to me. But it's probably a bit naïve to think it would be easy to do.
I started real smart (yeah right) but soon ended up with all these questions to which I do not have the answers.
The influence of poetry is sort of a mystery to me. I guess that's the conclusion to my 'inquiry'.
Therefore the letter below is still a very rough version of something I'm not yet sure I'll ever be able to finish.
(Maybe I'd better advise to keep aspirins at hand. ;-)
Dear poet,
the slow transportation
from design
to the reader's mind
travels through the bloodstream
and the heart
connecting what
disguisingly clever
must be
irreversibly binding
from the start
this, of course, is objective; yours
mine; to observe
I am mere a willing receiver
absorbing through conduction
what's brought-on with hidden verve
but here I am
boldly wondering
at the base of my imaginary floor
examining this strange 'anomaly'
that some one I don't know
can simply walk in
without me having to answer my door
is poetry maybe best explained
as a connecting collection
of entangled thoughts
carved into exposing sculptures
in which insight and new creation
are mutually found and eagerly sought?
and is this the doorway to inspiration
a connection to either heart or head
or should it be called soul communication
embedding beautiful new memories
creating monuments
impossible to forget?
(and breath..)
Yours truly
A novice traveler you haven't met
(eagerly awaiting your insightful reply)
I think the answer is "Yes!" did a great job...and I also say yes...:)
someone you don't know just walking in....... soul communication...... definitely struck a chord with me with those phrases!
Poetry is indeed a connection. Words that reach in and link with my own experiences and thus change my viewpoint.
Great poem. :)
I like the idea of poetry as a connection, an interactive experience as opposed to a static activity. Also really liked the phrase "hidden verve."
but here I am
boldly wondering
at the base of my imaginary floor
oh, I love that part. Love the image it brings to mind.
This was wonderful- I find myself asking the very same questions sometimes!
"that some one I don't know
can simply walk in
without me having to answer my door"- that's exactly what it's like for me when I read a poem that touches me in a profound way...
Thank you for this...
THis letter works very well for me. Letters ought to be rough so as to convey the true meaning.
The next time I take my low dose aspirin for my heart, I'll feel poetic. Thanks for the insight.
I love it!!!! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, shoot! regina clare jane said what I was going to say....
anyway, good work!
Writing/reading poetry is all of that. A great letter. Letters are meant to be written from the heart!
I love the opening to this... the poetry moving through the bloodstream to the heart. Too true!
Thank you fellow poetry readers and writers for all your kind comments.
You do such a wonderful job with the PT assignments, but it's more than that. You are such a poet at heart. I would love to see more from you on any other day that is just raw thoughts. You really inspire me.
Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Easter
Chris, thank you for the great compliment.
And Gypsy, a blessed Easter to you too.
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