Saturday, 6 March 2010

Caught up

a cluttering collection of thoughts
is piling up;
waiting to be scrutinized,

then utilized
and shared
(for your interpretation)

‘t is a scream for fresh air;
to shed the cope
new destinations
accommodate a bigger scope

less short:
gathering this notion
needs consideration
to release it from its place

… if

it wasn’t for this last minute catch:

error 22: Defragmentation Denied
Not Enough Free Space



midway said...

I hear ya! "...last minute catch:
error 22: Defragmentation Denied
Not Enough Free Space" (big grin) -- so I'm workin' on having *less* (not more), or maybe we need to open up into another dimension (smile).

Still my favourite... ;-)

Fragmentsinsight said...

Is that you M? I think I recognize your grin (grins back).
Another dimension sounds great. The extra 'stuff' one could come-up-with and store there.... (starts dreaming).

Anonymous said...

(grin) yes it's me (big grin). So you're saying my grinning gave me away (grin). ...I'd say it helps you're good a pattern recognition too! (smile), M