Friday, 16 November 2007


it feels like a shelter
but works like chain

your favourite case of preservation

keeping everything you want
and need
at bay

mark mistakes,
pre-made and detailed
best explained upfront

no need for hindsight learning
keep those possible edges blunt

always second guess decisions
anchor your gear
before you untie

refutabilities never fade
a one word grip
you keep at hand
not on-the-fly

but this is mission undeniable
a face in the window
you claim not to see

a bookmarked page
you decide to ignore
because the contents
seem to flee

is undesirable
too little formability

not how you declaim yourself;
way too indefinable, but

undoubtedly me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Klinkt heel zielig. Ik zou wel willen weten met wat voor gedachte je dit hebt geschreven?