Friday, 20 June 2008

Perfect fit

looking back
we left more
than just debris

no promises
but opportunities
to build a pellucid ruin

far from scavengers
hidden or semi truths
that will only break windows

shards of tiles
we wanted to remember
witnesses to our destruction
lie waiting for another view

to be picked
and re-assigned,
fit and paste

this mosaic
I could never see
semblance of our vibrant past
was always, somehow, a part
of our potential future

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Wits' end

those hours spent in indecision
turned into months of waiting
for spring that never came

every single sign of growth
just anticipation?

one day
a lone encounter
might ground us again

watchful moments;
relentless attempts to sow
what could settle inside our heads

careful sprigs of expectation
for answers
we weren't already fed

but ironically,
you only wanted soil
to lay under,
deny all and forget

you never needed to see my reflection

rain falls in silence

still showering you your questions instead